Title: Reflect and analyse
Source: https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2017/12/20/swot-analysis
Objective: The objective of this activity is to help individuals reflect and analyse their financial difficulties, what created those difficulties and how they can manage.
Materials needed:
- Paper or notebook
- Pen
- S.W.O.T analysis template
Duration: 30 minutes
Implementation: Physical workshop or online workshop
Introduction 5’: In this introductory part, the trainer/presenter must quickly summarize the chapter above and introduce them to the general idea of financial stability.
Description: Give a brief description of the S.W.O.T analysis to the learners and explain to them the
template min order to use it themselves. The goal is for the learners to discover their financial strengths, their financial weakness, their opportunities and the potential threats. Give them 20 minutes to reflect and complete the template.
Reflection: Give 5 minutes to everyone in order to reflect on the activity and discuss the results.